
לע״נ יחזקאל זעליג בן ישראל ז״ל
Volume 21
Why not Chalitzah? (16:1) 7 months ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Cheresh and Chereshet (14:1) 7 months ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Bechor and Safek Kohen (11:5) 8 months ago Yisrael Bankier Download
One Witness and Edut Isha (10:2) 8 months ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Arel and Terumah (8:1) 8 months ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Mitzvot and Intent (6:1) 8 months ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Perform the Mitzvah Now! (4:6) 9 months ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Achot Zekukato - Revisited (3:1) 9 months ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Eshet Achiv She'lo Hayah Be'Olamo (2:2) 9 months ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Volume 15
Parallel Truth (15:6) 6 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
The Wife's Testimony Revisited (15:2) 6 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Beit Din for Chalitzah (12:6) 6 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Bechor of a Safek Kohen (11:5) 6 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Chalutzah and a Kohen (9:3) 6 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Ubar (7:3) 6 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Maamar Achar Maamar (5:1) 6 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Me'uberet (4:1) 6 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Suspicious Motives (2:9) 6 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Tzarat Tzaratah (1:1) 7 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Volume 9
Single Witness and Wife's Testimony (15:4) 12 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Yibum of a Katan (13:12) 12 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Chalitza of a Cheresh (12:4) 12 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Eating Trumah (9:5) 12 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Netinim (8:3) 12 years ago Yehuda Gottlieb Download
Nothing after Chalitza or Yibum (5:3) 12 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Chalitza or Yibum (4:10) 12 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Achot Zekukato (3:4) 12 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Tzarat Ervah (1:1) 12 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Volume 3
In Pursuit of Truth (and how to find it) (15:2) 18 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
The Marriage of a Cheresh (14:1) 18 years ago Natan Rickman Download
Removing Leather Shoes 18 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Agunah with a twist of Teshuva (10:1) 18 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Marrying a Moabite (8:3) 18 years ago Allon Ledder Download
The Lonely Man (6:6) 18 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
On Mourning (4:10) 18 years ago Yehuda Gottlieb Download
Understanding a Ma'amar 18 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel (1:4) 18 years ago Yaron Gottlieb Download

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