
לע״נ יחזקאל זעליג בן ישראל ז״ל
Volume 18
Counting Seven Clean Days (10:3) 3 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
One Tameh when Wet (7:1) 3 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Adult at Twenty (5:8) 3 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Yotze Dofen (5:1) 3 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Colours of Blood (2:6) 3 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Zekeina Daya Sha'ata (1:5) 3 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Volume 12
Teliya in Ketamim (8:3) 9 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Retroactive Tumah of a Ketem (7:2) 9 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
The Chazaka in Yemei Ziva (4:7) 9 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Yoledet or Nida? (3:6) 9 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Nida and Chazaka (2:4) 9 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Volume 6
Mixed Piles (9:5) 14 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Searching for Chametz (7:2) 14 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Mefula Samuch L’Ish (5:6) 14 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Bnot Kutim (4:1) 14 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Ha'Ba'in Min Ha'Derech (2:4) 14 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Backward Rulings about Tumat Nidah (1:1) 14 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download

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