
לע״נ יחזקאל זעליג בן ישראל ז״ל
Volume 17
Mincha from Barley (12:3) 5 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Harvesting the Omer on Shabbat (10:1) 5 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Maaser Sheni and Nesachim (7:6) 5 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
No Oil, No Frankincense (5:4) 5 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Minchat Chavitin and the Heirs (4:5) 5 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Time for Eating Lechem HaPanim (2:2) 5 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Volume 11
Lechem HaPanim for more than a week (11:8) 10 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Harvesting before the Omer (10:8) 10 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Nesachim Measures (9:1) 10 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Kiddush Nesachim (7:4) 10 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Chametz Menachot (5:1) 10 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Chatzi Matir (2:1) 10 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Errors in Menachot (1:2) 10 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Volume 5
On Korbanot and Fasting (13:11) 16 years ago Yehuda Gottlieb Download
The House of Chonyo (13:1) 16 years ago Alex Tsykin Download
Lechem Ha'Panim (11:1) 16 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
A Biblical proof for a Rabbinic tradition (10:3) 16 years ago Rabbi Ben-Zion Hain Download
The Korban and Lachmei Todah (7) 16 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
The Minchat Choteh (5:4) 16 years ago Shmoiki Berkowitz Download
Power of the Masses (3:1) 16 years ago Alex Tsykin Download
With the Best Intentions (1) 16 years ago Allon Ledder Download

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