
לע״נ יחזקאל זעליג בן ישראל ז״ל
Volume 21
With Faces of a Dog (9:15) 2 months ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Preventing Flight from War (8:6) 2 months ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Five Woman and Sotah (6:2) 2 months ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Aborting the Sotah Process (3:3) 2 months ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Mida Tova Meruba (1:9) 3 months ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Volume 15
The end of Mei Sotah (9:9) 6 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Keeping the Entire Torah (7:5) 6 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Third Party Warning (4:5) 6 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Shoftim and Sotah (1:7) 6 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Escorting the Sotah (1:3) 6 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Volume 9
Closest City (9:2) 12 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Going to War (8) 12 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Kinui By Beit Din (4:5) 12 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Shake of the Dust (3) 12 years ago Yehuda Gottlieb Download
Kinui for Sotah (1:1) 12 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Volume 3
Scared of War (8:5) 17 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Shema and Tefillah in Any Language (7:1) 17 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Coming Closer to Hashem Through Mitzvot (3:4) 17 years ago Ben-Zion Hain Download
Miryam - Chesed and Emunah (1:9) 17 years ago Yisrael Bankier Download
Introduction to Sotah 17 years ago Allon Ledder Download

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